The leap year

James Sessford • February 29, 2020


February 29th 2020. A date that will never occur again, as time moves forward but never back, and a day we won't see again for four more years.

I've been fairly quiet the last couple of months as I've struggled to find things to write about.

On my quests from my end of year list I think I'm making quite steady progress. I've just finished a course of CBT and am trying to put into practice the techniques in how I personally review & engage in the different aspects of my life.

Yesterday marked my last shift codng for Atticus Consultancy. It's been a fantastic three years working there and I've got to work on some fantastic projects and make some friends for life along the way!

Monday will be my first shift coding for Preferred Management Solutions.

Today, I'm going to code for the joy of discovery.