Ubuntu setup
James Sessford • December 8, 2019
ubuntuI'd set aside a couple of days to get my laptop fully up and running; I hadn't had much Linux experience outside of Raspbian and thought it may have been challenging to get the tools I was used to setup and working together. I was very happy to be proven wrong.
To get started, I grabbed the image of Ubuntu 16.04, burned it to a USB key and booted the machine into Ubuntu. After following the install steps through and unpinning everything from the Launcher that was attached, I was ready to start exploring!
Let's fast forward a couple of hours.
The laptop is now set up and running a test project I had configured on my Windows machine. The programs I have installed are:
- Git- Terminator- ZSH- oh-my-zsh- MySQL- MyCLI- PHP 5.6- PHP 7.3- Composer- Node.js- npm- Supervisor- VSCode- Nginx- Redis
I instantly feel like my productivity has increased with Terminator and Nginx alone. Terminator giving me split screen tabs is phenomenal, as is the tab less I now require from having a server run my applications instead of serving them via Artisan.
It's nice to also be able to use VSCode, Firefox and webpack without my computer freezing as well!